Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Valley VeloRiders Group Ride - Central Valley Greenway (Rescheduled)

Ride Type: Leisure-Medium
Meet: New Westminster Quay (by the large tin soldier)
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009
Time: 9:00 (We leave no later than 9:00 AM)
Duration: 4-6 hours depending on optional stop at Museum of Vancouver Velo-City Exhibit
Planned Route:
Distance: Approx 60 km (including museum stop)

NOTE: This ride has been re-scheduled for Saturday August 15th due to predictions of rain for the weekend of August 8th since couple of us including myself don't have fenders.

Rain cancels the ride. Hybrid, road or mountain bikes will be suitable for this ride as it is mostly paved except a hard pack gravel through the Brunette Fraser Conservation area. A preview of the route is available at

This will be a day trip/ride on the newly completed Central Valley Greenway shared bike route from New Westminster Quay and Science World in Vancouver and back. The route is flat for the most part. More information about the CVG is available at

For those interested we can also check out the “VELO-CITY: Vancouver & the Bicycle Revolution” exhibit at the Museum of Vancouver in Vanier Park which is a much see exhibit for cyclists as well as non-cyclists. Taking in this exhibit will only add about 10 km to the 50 km round trip CVG. Information on this exhibit is available at

Note that the starting location is at the New Westminister Quay (look for the huge tin soldier) where there is plenty of parking but there are a number of options for getting there.

  1. I can take two additional people and bikes on my minivan. My bike will fit in the van and I have a rack for two additional standard bikes. Please let me know if you want a ride.
  2. You could drive the the King George Skytrain station and take your bikes on the Skytrain to New Westminster Station and ride the 2 blocks from there to New Westminster Quay.
  3. Load your bike and drive and park at New Westminster Quay.
    Though there will be access to many stores, restaurants along the way, you may want to bring your own lunch as there will also be plenty of nice loactions to stop and "picnic".
